Carbon management refers to all measures that are necessary for securing a sustainable approach to difficult and unavoidable CO2 emissions. Key elements on the road to achieving this are consistently avoiding or minimizing CO2 emissions in established value chains for the production of chemicals and fuels, as well as using CO2 as an raw material for these processes. Development as well as optimization of catalysts and processes have a central part to play in both of these cases.
There are a number of challenges associated with carbon management. The majority of the technologies needed in order to achieve the net zero targets are not yet available and must first be developed. Many of the technologies that are already available are still too expensive or not yet ready for market. In addition, consistently transitioning the value chains to processes with low or no CO2 emissions requires enormous investments. Catalyst testing, and high throughput methods in particular, accelerate research and development in the field of carbon management and use of CO2 as a raw material.
Many carbon management processes are not yet ready for market or are too cost-intensive. However, advances in catalyst development and process optimization continue to deliver improvements here.
At the same time, new processes are constantly being developed to use CO2 more efficiently and achieve the ambitious sustainability goals of companies and countries, as many of the technologies and processes required for this do not yet exist.
On 42 pages, you will find everything you need to know about the catalytic utilization of CO2 and its use as raw material, focusing on the opportunities and challenges of reducing the carbon footprint.
At hte, we are the world’s leading provider of solutions for lab-scale R&D workflows. We support you with both catalyst and process development for new technologies and in optimizing existing processes. We use our technology platform to accelerate your new processes for using CO2 or avoiding CO2 emissions in the production of sustainable fuels and chemicals. The key processes involved here are the conversion of CO2 into CO, as well as conversion of C1 products such as CO2 or methanol into chemical intermediates or fuels. This also applies to related fields, such as the production, storage, and transport of hydrogen.
We have 25 years of experience in the production of C1 building blocks and their conversion into chemicals and fuels. We also have extensive application knowledge in many technology fields, including the following:
The subsequent process steps, leading to production of chemicals, olefins, or fuels, can also be supported with hte technology:
hte not only offers the energy and refinery industry flexible laboratory systems for process development and catalyst research in their research and services, but also advises R&D teams on the steps of their research journey. With their specialized knowledge, our experts help bring research projects to completion quickly and efficiently.
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