Our code of conduct

In a world that is rapidly changing and marked by intense competition, it is crucial to focus on what truly matters to us at hte.

Our values provide guidance: creativity, openness, responsibility, and entrepreneurial action. They direct our business conduct and remind us of what hte stands for.

We are committed to adhering to legal requirements and ethical principles. Our Code of Conduct defines the framework within which we, as employees of hte, must act to comply with both legal and internal regulations. It protects the company as well as each individual.

The Code of Conduct serves as a guide to anchor our values and commitments throughout the company and align our actions with them. It helps us make responsible and ethical decisions in difficult situations. Only by fully adhering to the Code of Conduct, as well as all applicable laws and regulations, can we achieve our corporate goals and gain the trust and respect of our customers, investors, employees, and other stakeholders.

Since the Code of Conduct cannot cover every possible situation, it is our responsibility to understand hte’s guidelines and uphold high ethical standards even in unclear circumstances. We are expected to act with integrity and common sense. In cases of doubt, we address our concerns openly and seek advice and support.

For information on topics such as anti-corruption, trade controls, anti-money laundering, antitrust law, gifts and invitations, conflicts of interest, human rights, labor and social standards, environmental protection, health and safety, as well as confidential company information, personal data, digitalization, company property, accurate bookkeeping, and records, please visit the BASF website.

Contact compliance officer

BASF Compliance Hotline

The BASF Compliance Hotline is available to all hte employees, as well as third-parties.