Application process at hte
Click on the prefered job in our job vacancies and you will get to the job description. Apply directly via the job description by clicking on "Apply now". Then you can upload your documents like cover letter, CV, certificates and add your contact details. Then simply click to submit your application.
First Interview
If your profile is a good fit, we will invite you to an interview (personal or virtual) with a contact person from HR and the respective specialist department for which you have applied. You will have the opportunity to present your personal experiences, qualifications, knowledge, and motivation. What's more, you can find out more details about the advertised position.
Second interview with company tour
It's still a good fit? Then come for a second interview and gain a deeper insight into the position and the tasks involved. We want to get to know you better and at the same time you will take a tour of the company to get an impression of your possible future workplace and meet some possible team members.
Contractual offer
If both sides are satisfied, the application process comes to an end and we will offer you a contract. We look forward to welcoming you as part of the hte team and to working successfully together.
Do you want to join us?
Contact our HR-team:
T +49 (0) 62 21 74 97 - 0
Job Vacancies
Do you want to be a part of the team? Take a look at our job vacancies!