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Rejuvenated catalysts optimise refinery margins in high severity ULSD applicationsAccelerated Catalyst Evaluation

Digital Refining, PTQ Q2 2022

Ioan-Teodor Trotus and Jean-Claude Adelbrecht, Michael Martinez and Guillaume Vincent

Across the world, slowed growth in fuel demand, weak profit margins, strict environmental regulations on CO2 emissions, and legislation on renewable fuels are significantly impacting the refining industry. As a result, there is a greater need to optimise refining costs and maximise profitability. The cost of replacing a catalyst at the end of its life is substantial, so it is important to choose an appropriate catalyst. Evonik’s Excel rejuvenated hydrotreating catalyst for ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD) applications can help refiners reduce operating costs and maximise profitability while remaining environmentally conscious with their hydrotreating applications.

Authors: Ioan-Teodor Trotus and Jean-Claude Adelbrecht, Michael Martinez and Guillaume Vincent